On 24/03/2012 03:37, Aloke Ghosh wrote:
I am learning Python and do not have programming experience.
I was following an exercise from
and made a mistake in entry :

*Print"I like typing this."*

and got the following error message:

*In [2]: Print"I like typing this."*
*   File "<ipython console>", line 1*
*     Print"I like typing this."*
*                                        ^*
*SyntaxError: invalid syntax*

I feel the error is in Capital P in print .

Correct. (I'm assuming that you're using Python 2; Python 3 is a little

However the error indicated with "*^*"
hints at quote at the end of the line.

*Can any one please help me understand this.*

It will tell you approximately where the error is, but, as in this
example, the actual error may be a little earlier.

It tries to be helpful, but remember that it isn't intelligent! :-)

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