On 26.03.2012, Steven D'Aprano <steve+comp.lang.pyt...@pearwood.info> wroted:

>>> How can we generate a 6 digit random number from a given number ?
>> what about this?
>>>>> given_number=123456
>>>>> def rand_given_number(x):
>> ...     s = list(str(x))
>> ...     random.shuffle(s)
>> ...     return int(''.join(s))
>> ...
>>>>> print (rand_given_number(given_number))
>> 653421
> That's not very random. In fact, it is *terrible* as a random number 
> generator.

But isn't it what the OP requested, i.e. "6 digit random number 
*from a given number*"? That is, a random permutation of the set 
of its digits?

Grzegorz Staniak   <gstaniak _at_ gmail [dot] com>

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