On 2012-04-02, St?phane Klein <steph...@harobed.org> wrote:
> Le 02/04/2012 15:54, Jean-Michel Pichavant a ?crit :
>> St?phane Klein wrote:
>>> I look for a package to make some console "form".
>>> It's a standard stuff, I think there are a package to do that.
>>> Example :
>>> What is your name ?
>>> Select your lang [EN, FR, DE?] ?
>>> Do you want ? [Y, N] ?
>>> Type of field :
>>> * textline
>>> * select choice
>>> * boolean question
>> Have a look at
>> http://excess.org/urwid/
> No, I don't look for high level feature based on ncurse?

For something simpler, your two best options are dialog and newt:



I'm rather partial to newt since it was intended from day 1 for use
with Python. It was written by RedHat many, many years ago for use in
their console-mode-installer (which was written in Python).

But, the docs are pretty sparse, and it's not very active these days.

> I would like very low level feature, form like sphinx quick start or 
> modern-package-template?

Sorry, no clue what those are...

Grant Edwards               grant.b.edwards        Yow! Did I do an INCORRECT
                                  at               THING??

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