On Apr 5, 10:36 pm, rusi <rustompm...@gmail.com> wrote:
> On Apr 6, 9:54 am, Steve Howell <showel...@yahoo.com> wrote:
> > JS, YAML, and HTML are pretty similar to Python with respect to single
> > vs. double, as far as I know/remember/care.
> [Complete ignoramus here -- writing after a few minutes of googling]
> YAML:http://yaml.org/spec/current.html#single%20quoted%20style/syntax
> seems to indicate that the double-quote is multi-lineable the single
> not.
> [So YAML double-quote is like python triple-quote]
> JS:http://stackoverflow.com/questions/242813/when-to-use-double-or-singl...
> seems to have some arcane argument about whether there is a difference
> or not

I like the fact that even this seemingly harmless statement on the
stackoverflow thread invites (light-hearted) controversy:

    Double quotes will wear your shift key out faster :)

The response is this:

    Not on Azerty, buddy.

And, yes, I am quoting via indentation here.  But quoting is not a
"gotcha".  Not in the least bit.  Anybody who says "quoting is a
gotcha" just doesn't understand how simple this whole quoting business
is.  Quoting is completely straightforward.  "Just read the specs," I
think some wise person said earlier in this thread.  They're
completely correct, of course.  No gotchas here.  Move along...


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