
First of all..I am very new to python with no background in development
area! :)

Ok, here is my problem.....I have opened a file and I need to check each
line of that file. I have done it with a while loop.

res_own_file = open('/bah')
res_own_list = res_own_file.readline()
while res_own_list:
  res_own_list=res_own_list.replace(' ', '')
  if res_name[1:2] not in res_tot_list:
  res_own_list = res_own_file.readline()

As you can see above, I am reading each line, cut a particular field and
sort a unique list from it...I have two questions here

1. If I have to check the file again from beginning, I can't do it without
closing and re-opening file since the file pointer is assigned to the EOF
of the opened file right? If so, is there any alliterative method to do it?
I don't wish to mess the script with multiple file open-close code!

2. If I print  res_name, it will display like ['one', 'two']. If I
print  res_name[0], it will display one ; but if I print  res_name[1] it
will display error out of index instead of two. From my code, when I use
res_name[1:2] it's displaying second filed. Why it is behaving like this?

Thanks in advance!




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