Hi Expert,

I'm a newbie to python and still on the process of learning on the go ...

I have a webserver which has list of images to load on a Device Under Test
(DUT) ...

*Requirement is:*

if the image is already present on the server, proceed with loading the
image onto the DUT.

if the image is not present on the server , then proceed with the download
of the image and then upgrade the DUT.

I have written the following code but I'm quite not happy with the way I
have written this, because I have a feeling that it could have been done
better using some other method/s

Please suggest the areas where i could have done better and the techniques
to do so..

Appreciate your time in reading this email and for your valuable

import urllib2

url = 'http://localhost/test'
filename = 'Image60.txt'   # image to Verify

def Image_Upgrade():
    print 'proceeding with Image upgrade !!!'

def Image_Download():
    print 'Proceeding with Image Download !!!'

resp = urllib2.urlopen(url)
flag = False
list_of_files = []
for contents in resp.readlines():
    if 'Image' in contents:
        c=(((contents.split('href='))[-1]).split('>')[0]).strip('"')  # The
content output would have html tags. so removing the tags to pick only
image name
        if c != filename:
            flag = True
if flag==False:


Vijay Swaminathan

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