On 19/04/12 08:32, Lovda, Kathryn wrote:

I'm having trouble trying to script for a fellow graduate student who is
doing research on frogs and their homeranges. He asked me to help him by
using python to manipulate his data on ArcMap 10. Here is a summary of
the situation:

"A fellow graduate student working in the Boone Herpetology lab in the
Zoology Department has asked you to help him with his research project.
Specifically he needs to know what land use land cover types the frogs
he has been studying had within their "homerange" in the early 1990s. He
has field measurements for current data but he wants historical data on
what this same area was like in terms of land use land cover (LULC). The
output you provide to him should be a table that lists the total area of
each land cover type within ALL frog homeranges in each county. Use the
data provided to you to write a script that has the desired output that
your friend needs."

I know that I have to use the JoinField command and the Statistics
command, but not sure how to formulate the script. Is there anyway you
can send me a script to work off of? Thanks for your help.


Kathryn Lovda
Miami University IES Graduate Student
Botany & Environmental Science B.A. Major
lov...@muohio.edu <mailto:lov...@muohio.edu>


This type of work is basic GIS work that should be able to be achieved without resorting to scripting. That is, achieved through a simple GUI interface using preconfigured tools. The issue is whether you actually have land use and land cover data for the 1990s.

Present the same inquiry to an ESRI forum - you would probably have more chance of a response. If your University does not have the entire ESRI suite you can download any number of free and open source tools that can do this work -- e.g. GRASS, gvSIG, QGIS. All you need to do is convert the ArcMap file to something that can be used by ArcView or by one of these tools (e.g. shapefile).

Cheers Simon

   Simon Cropper - Open Content Creator / Website Administrator

   Free and Open Source Software Workflow Guides
   Introduction               http://www.fossworkflowguides.com
   GIS Packages           http://www.fossworkflowguides.com/gis
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  • inquery Lovda, Kathryn
    • Re: inquery Simon Cropper

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