On Wed, Apr 18, 2012 at 11:21 PM, lkcl <luke.leigh...@gmail.com> wrote:

> On Apr 11, 9:11 pm, biofob...@gmail.com wrote:
> > I am new to python and only have read the Byte of Python ebook, but want
> to move to the web. I am tired of being a CMS tweaker and after I tried
> python, ruby and php, the python language makes more sense (if that makes
> any "sense" for the real programmers).
>  yeah, it does :)  python is... the best word i can describe it is:
> it's beautiful.  it has an elegance of expression that is only marred
> by the rather silly mistake of not taking map, filter and reduce into
> the list object itself: l.map(str) for example would be intuitive,
> compact and elegant.  instead, i have to look up how to use map each
> and every damn time!  the reason for the mistake is historical: map,
> filter and reduce were contributed by a lisp programmer.  that lisp
> programmer, presumably, was used to everything being function(args...)
> and it simply didn't occur to anyone to properly integrate map, filter
> and reduce properly into the list objects that they work with.

Why not use list comprehension syntax? It gets you map and filter
functionality for free, and is more readable than python's clunky version
of lambdas. I believe they're faster than the for-loop equivalents, but I'm
not sure about the actual map() and filter() functions (reduce() was
removed from 3.0 for reasons I will never understand).

Map: [val+1 for val in some_list]
Filter: [val for val in some_list if val > 0]


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