Adam Skutt wrote:

>> You can't treat id() as an address. Did you miss my post when I
>> demonstrated that Jython returns IDs generated on demand, starting
>> from 1? In general, there is *no way even in principle* to go from
>> a Python ID to the memory location (address) of the object with
>> that ID, because in general objects *may not even have a fixed
>> address*. Objects in Jython don't, because the Java virtual
>> machine can move them in memory. 
> Yes, there is a way.  You add a function deref() to the language.

        This is getting pretty absurd.  By that logic you could say "With 
Python, you can end all life on earth!  You just add a function to 
the language called nuclear_winter() that remotely accesses warhead 
launch sites in the US and Russia, enters the appropriate launch codes, 
and launches the entire nuclear arsenal!"

--OKB (not okblacke)
Brendan Barnwell
"Do not follow where the path may lead.  Go, instead, where there is
no path, and leave a trail."
        --author unknown

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