>jason, are you trolling me, or me you?
> Xah

Depends on what you classify as "trolling" these days. In all honesty,
the original concept of trolling seems to have become a lost art, with
only a few people even knowing what the act actually was anymore, and
in its absence everyone seems to draw their own definitions and
conclusions of the term where it can be applied to whoever is
antagonistic towards them at the time.

In one definition, that being the one defined by common sense of
"getting a reaction out of people", you in fact succeeded rather well
by getting a reaction in general, though it was mostly mockery and
heckling. In another definitions calling trolling an attempt at
getting upset reactions specifically, I'd have to say there isn't so
much of that unless your inquiry into who's trolling whom was because
you felt as if you had been slighted by Jason's statement.

So really, it's a crapshoot at this point. Who's trolling whom indeed.

When on earth, do as the earthlings do.

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