On Apr 30, 8:20 am, Frank Millman <fr...@chagford.com> wrote:
> Hi all
> For a while now I have been using Google Groups to read this group, but on 
> the odd occasion when I want to post a message, I use Outlook Express, as I 
> know that some people reject all messages from Google Groups due to the high 
> spam ratio (which seems to have improved recently, BTW).
> From time to time I see a thread where the original post is missing, but the 
> follow-ups do appear. My own posts have shown up with no problem.
> Now, in the last month, I have posted two messages using Outlook Express, and 
> neither of them have shown up in Google Groups. I can see replies in OE, so 
> they are being accepted. I send to the group gmane.comp.python.general.
> Does anyone know a reason for this, or have a solution?
> Frank Millman

Thanks for the replies. I am also coming to the conclusion that Google
Groups is no longer fit-for-purpose.

Ironically, here are two replies that I can see in Outlook Express,
but do not appear in Google Groups.

Reply from Benjamin Kaplan -
> I believe the mail-to-news gateway has trouble with HTML messages. Try 
> sending everything as plain text and see if that works.

I checked, and all my posts were sent in plain text.

Reply from Terry Reedy -
> Read and post through news.gmane.org

I have had a look at this before, but there is one thing that Google
Groups does that no other reader seems to do, and that is that
messages are sorted according to thread-activity, not original posting
date. This makes it easy to see what has changed since the last time I

All the other ones I have looked at - Outlook Express, Thunderbird,
and gmane.org, sort by original posting date, so I have to go
backwards to see if any threads have had any new postings.

Maybe there is a setting that I am not aware of. Can anyone enlighten



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