On Wed, May 2, 2012 at 12:18 AM, Kiuhnm
<kiuhnm03.4t.yahoo...@mail.python.org> wrote:
> "Most Pythonic" doesn't mean better, unfortunately.
> For instance, assume that you want to write a function that accepts a
> dictionary of callbacks:
>  func(some_args, callbacks)
> Pythonic way
> ------------
> def when_odd(n):
>    pass
> def when_prime(n):
>    pass
> def before_check():
>    pass
> def after_check():
>    pass
> func(some_args, {'when_odd' : when_odd,
>                 'when_prime' : when_prime,
>                 'before_check' : before_check,
>                 'after_check' : after_check})

My way:

func(some_args, {'when_odd': lambda: 1,
               'when_prime': lambda: 2,
               'before_check': lambda: 3,
               'after_check': lambda: 4})

In a language where lambda isn't restricted to a single expression (eg
Javascript, Pike), this works even better, but it's still plausible
for many situations.


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