On 15/05/12 12:18, Chris Angelico wrote:
On Sat, May 12, 2012 at 8:25 AM, Coyote<da...@idlcoyote.com>  wrote:
I've been playing around with a couple of IDEs because I liked the one I used 
with IDL and I wanted to use something similar for Python. The IDLDE was an 
Eclipse variant, but I've tried installing Eclipse before for something else 
and I'm pretty sure I don't need *that* kind of headache on a Friday afternoon. 
Unless, of course, I need a good excuse to head over to the Rio for the 
margaritas. :-)

When it comes to IDEs, I've never really gone for any. My current
setup at work (which I convinced my boss to deploy to all our
developers, himself included) is all open-source: SciTE
(Scintilla-based Text Editor) with a few in-house configurations, a
good makefile, and m4 (plus git for source control). SciTE has syntax
highlighting for all the languages we use, and is set to save and
'make' on press of F7, and the makefile handles everything else.
There's a couple of in-house scripts such as a cache-control script
(looks through our HTML and PHP pages for references to .js files and
adds ?tag to them where tag comes from git) and a rapid deployment
handler, but the upshot is that I edit a file, hit F7, and everything
happens for me. That's about as good as any IDE would give, but
without the overhead of most IDEs.


Sorry for responding to you post Chris but I missed Davids post.


I really like SPE IDE - Stani's Python Editor (http://pythonide.stani.be/). It and the bundled packages work really well. I note it works on Windows, Mac and Linux.

Cheers Simon

   Simon Cropper - Open Content Creator / Website Administrator

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