On Wed, May 16, 2012 at 7:59 AM, ytj <ytj...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Hello, all:
> I have two programs, one is written in py3k, the other is written in
> python 2. I am wondering how to make them work together except port
> the python 2 code to py3k?

Porting the Python 3 code to Python 2 is also an option:

But unless you're dependent on a library not available for Python 3
yet, the normal 2to3 route is probably preferable.

In either direction, this library may help ease the transition:

> Is that possible to expose python2's
> function to py3k? In other words, I want to embed the Python 2
> interpreter into my py3k program. So I can call python2's function in
> py3k's code.

That's very likely possible using the C API; I don't know of any
prepackaged solution though.
Another obvious approach to connect the two interpreters would be to
use some form of IPC or RPC (e.g. XML-RPC, Unix domain sockets, etc.).
There will be some degree of extra overhead involved no matter which
route you go.


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