On Wed, May 16, 2012 at 4:53 PM, Charles Hixson
<charleshi...@earthlink.net> wrote:
> On 05/16/2012 03:11 PM, Ian Kelly wrote:
>> On Wed, May 16, 2012 at 3:52 PM, Charles Hixson
>> <charleshi...@earthlink.net>  wrote:
>>> I want to persist simple dicts, but due to the security problems with
>>> (un)pickle, I'd prefer to not use shelve, and the only way I could see to
>>> persist them onto sqlite also invoked pickle.
>>> As (un)pickle allows arbitrary system commands to be issued, I'd really
>>> rather just use a simple convert to and from either bytes or strings.
>>>  repr
>>> works well for the conversion into string (I said they were simple), but
>>> I'd
>>> really rather be able to turn "{'a': 'A', 1: 23, 2: ['b', 2]}" back into
>>> a
>>> dict without allowing the execution of arbitrary commands.
>>> Any suggestions?
>> Either json, or repr with ast.literal_eval will be safe.
>>>>> import json
>>>>> d = {'a': 'A', 1: 23, 2: ['b', 2]}
>>>>> json.dumps(d)
>> '{"a": "A", "1": 23, "2": ["b", 2]}'
>>>>> json.loads(json.dumps(d))
>> {'a': 'A', '1': 23, '2': ['b', 2]}
>>>>> import ast
>>>>> ast.literal_eval(repr(d))
>> {'a': 'A', 1: 23, 2: ['b', 2]}
>> Cheers,
>> Ian
> Thanks.  It looks like either would do what I need.  Any suggestion as to
> how to choose between them?  E.g., is AST better supported?  faster?  (I'm
> tending towards AST purely because it seems more tied to Python, but of
> course that *could* be a disadvantage, if there were more external tools for
> working with json.)

You pretty much just summed it up.  JSON is more portable because it's
a well-known standard with implementations in a lot of different
languages.  On the downside, since it essentially involves translating
your data into *JavaScript* literals and back, it's not going to be
quite as faithful.  Notice in the example that the numeric dictionary
keys got turned into strings.  AST will do a cleaner job since you're
just converting Python objects into Python literals and back, but the
serialized data will only be easily readable using Python.

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