
I am a newbie running the latest pythonxy ( & spyder and
python 2.7.2.   I suspect my questions are mostly basic to python, and
not specific to Spyder or iPython.

Note: Up until now, I mainly used MATLAB, and thus need to de-program
myself appropriately.

I use Win7-64.

I wrote the following .py file:

#! <what is supposed to go here?>
# Filename: newbie00.py

if __name__ == '__main__':
    print 'This program was called from the \
system command line.'
    print __name__ + '.py'
    print 'This program was imported on the \
Python command line.'
    print __name__ + '.py'


If I run from the system (win cmd) command, I get:

C:\engineer\engruser\python>python  newbie00.py

This program was called from the system command line.

If I hit the run button in Sypder, I get (in the iPython command

In [70]: runfile(r'C:\engineer\engruser\python\newbie00.py', wdir=r'C:
This program was called from the system command line.

If I import on the iPython command, I get:

In [71]: import newbie00
This program was imported on the Python command line.

If I import *again* on the iPython command, I get:

In [72]: import newbie00

In [73]:

<nothing that I can see>

If I hit the run button (again) in Sypder, I get (in the iPython
command console):

In [73]: runfile(r'C:\engineer\engruser\python\newbie00.py', wdir=r'C:
UMD has deleted: newbie00
This program was called from the system command line.


Some questions:

1.  If running from the system command line, or the Sypder "run"
button, "__name__" is "__main__" rather than "newbie00", as seen

So, how would I get the file name newbie00.py in these two noted
cases?  I mean, what other function do I use to get it?  (This
functionality is something that occasionally came in handy back in my
m-file writing days.  Perhaps I am wrong in anticipating such an
occasional need, but I would not know that yet.)

2.  In python, there seems to be a distinction between running
something as if it is a system command of "C:\...>python myPyFile.py"
compared to simply entering that same ".py" file name directly on the
python console command line.  In fact, the latter does not work unless
the somewhat lengthy ">>> runfile(r'C:\... wdir=r'C:\...) stuff is
entered (in iPython).  (I mean, my old MATLAB habit of simply entering
">> mfilename" on the command line seems to be quite wrong in python.)

Is there a shortened syntax of running a .py from the python command
prompt, if not using a Spyder "run" button?  Or should I always run as
if from the system prompt?  That is, dispense with the MATLAB-like
"run from MATLAB/python command line" bias I may be holding.

3.  In injecting my old MATLAB bias of running via the command line
">> mfilename", I tried a tweak of  ">>>import newbie00".  That "sort
of" worked, but only the first time.

Why did the subsequent run of ">>>import newbie00" print nothing?  I'm
just trying to understand how python works.

4.  The final case shown of hitting the Spyder run button included

UMD has deleted: newbie00

What does that mean?  I noted that after this "automatic" deletion, I
could do the ">>>import newbie00" once again and get the print.  (I
did not show that above.)

5.  I think #4 implies an import can be removed.  (Yes/No?)  I am not
sure why that would be desired, but I will ask how to remove an
import, or to "refresh" the run, of that is the appropriate question.

I think I saw someplace where a .pyc file is created on an initial run
and subsequently run instead of the .py.  I'm not sure if that applies
here, but if related, I guess an auxiliary question is how to easily
force the .py to run rather than the .pyc?

6.  Perhaps peripherally related to getting a running script/function/
module name, is getting a "call listing" of all the functions (and
modules) called by a .py program.  How would I get that?  I only ask
as it comes in handy if one distributes a program.  I mean, you only
give people what they actually need.

Advance thanks to any one who answers any of my questions.  I am sure
they appear from misguided to rudimentary in character.  I'm don't
claim to be a programmer; I did okay with MATLAB.  I'm trying to
bootstrap here, and appreciate any help.



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