Am 23.05.2012 11:30, schrieb 20_feet_tall:
> I have a problem with the visualization of korean fonts on Python.
> When I try to type in the characters only squares come out.
> I have tried to install the CJK codec, the hangul 1.0 codec but still
> no result.

What exactly do you mean with "visualization"? Python itself doesn't do
any visualization, all it does is to manage data. This data can be bytes
exchanged with e.g. a terminal window or a file. If the file uses
encoding A for some text, but Python interprets the bytes according to
encoding B, no good will come of it. Similarly, if the console window
expects Python to output one encoding and Python uses a different
encoding, bad things happen.

Further, but that now has almost nothing to do with Python directly, if
the console window tries to render a character that is not contained in
the current font, it will fail. The typical behaviour then is to fall
back to some placeholder char, like the square you describe.

Summary: It's not clear enough what you did, so it's impossible to tell
what went wrong. It could also help if you told us what you wanted to
achieve. That said, Python 2.7 has been out for a while, and I'd
consider upgrading.


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