Ulrich Eckhardt <ulrich.eckha...@dominolaser.com> wrote:

> Hi!
> I'm using Python 2.7 for mostly unit testing here. I'm using
> Boost.Python to wrap C++ code into a module, in another place I'm
> also embedding Python as interpreter into a test framework. This
> is the stuff that must work, it's important for production use.
> I'm running MS Windows XP here and developing C++ with
> VS2005/VC8. 
> What I'm considering is installing Python 3 alongside, in order
> to prepare the code for this newer version. What I'd like to know
> first is whether there are any problems I'm likely to encounter
> and possible workarounds.
> Thank you!
> Uli
> PS: Dear lazyweb, is there any way to teach VC8 some syntax
> highlighting for Python?

One hassle is that .py files can only be associated with one 
program. The proposed launcher works fine for me:


(I'm not sure that is the most up to date place for the launcher, 
but that's the one I am using)



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