On 5/24/12 22:22 , Scott Siegler wrote:

I am an experienced programmer but a beginner to python.  As such, I can figure out a way 
to code most algorithms using more "C" style syntax.

I am doing something now that I am sure is a more python way but i can't quite 
get it right.  I was hoping someone might help.

So I have a list of grid coordinates (x, y).  From that list, I want to create 
a new list that for each coordinate, I add the coordinate just above and just 
below (x,y+1) and (x,y-1)

right now I am using a for loop to go through all the coordinates and then 
separate append statements to add the top and bottom.

is there a way to do something like: [(x,y-1), (x,y+1) for zzz in coord_list] 
or something along those lines?

If you have lot's of numerical data you can use the NumPy module (http://numpy.scipy.org/), your problem would reduce to something like this (copied from an IPython shell, could be shorter)

Jan Kuiken

In [1]: first_list = np.arange(0, 10).reshape((5,2))

In [2]: above = np.array([0,-1])

In [3]: below = np.array([0,+1])

In [4]: N,d = first_list.shape

In [5]: second_list = np.empty((N*2,d))

In [6]: second_list[0::2] = first_list + above

In [7]: second_list[1::2] = first_list + below

In [8]: second_list
array([[  0.,   0.],
       [  0.,   2.],
       [  2.,   2.],
       [  2.,   4.],
       [  4.,   4.],
       [  4.,   6.],
       [  6.,   6.],
       [  6.,   8.],
       [  8.,   8.],
       [  8.,  10.]])

In [9]: first_list
array([[0, 1],
       [2, 3],
       [4, 5],
       [6, 7],
       [8, 9]])

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