On 6/6/2012 9:06 AM, Mark Summerfield wrote:
I have Python 3.2 with Tcl/Tk 8.5, but there doesn't seem to be a
ttk.Spinbox widget even though that widget is part of Tcl/Tk 8.5:
Why is that?
My guess is that Spinbox was not present when tkinter.ttk was written
(perhaps back in 8.4+tile days). I presume the intention has been to
expand the set of themed widgets. Or perhaps it was simply overlooked. I
suggest you open an issue on the tracker: "Update tkinter.ttk" and put
'gpolo' and 'terry.reedy' on the nosy list. If you can, check if
anything else is missing and put a list in the message.
If you look at the formulaic code for other ttk widgets in
tkinter.ttk.py and you understand the Spinbox doc you referenced,
and that of one of the other ttk widgets, you should be able to
contribute a patch.
Terry Jan Reedy