On 6/17/2012 5:54 AM, gmspro wrote:
We know python is written in C.

Nope. The CPython Python interpreter is written in (as portable as possible) C. The Jython, IronPython, and PyPy Python interpreters are written in Jave, C#, and Python respectively. Each compiles Python to something different. I presume each (normally) saves the compiled form until the source changes. CPython compiles to CPython-specific bytecode. It saves the bytecode as a .pyc file in a .__cache__ subdirectory (in 3.2+).

C is not portable.

Yes it is (mostly). CPython has been compilied, with minor adjustments, on numerous (>20) systems.

So how does python work on a webserver like apache/httpd for a python

The website has a Python interpreter.

How does the intermediate language communicate with server without
compiling python code?

The Python interpreter of the website *does* compile Python code to whatever it compiles to.

Terry Jan Reedy


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