On 19/06/12 06:22, Ranjith Kumar wrote:

I tried Django with Mongodb while running manage.py syncdb I endup with
this error

You might be better off trying a mongo forum./mailing list since this list is for Python beginners and focuses on the Python language and std library. Django is not in the standard library but is sufficiently common that you may get a response there. But Mongo is a wee bit specialised so it will be pure luck if you find a Mongo user who can answer...

django.db.utils.DatabaseError: Ordering can't span tables on
non-relational backends (content_type__app_label)

Given we can't actually see the command you are trying to execute
its virtually impossible to know what Mongo/Django/Python is complaining about. We would need to know a lot more about your data structure and your query. What is it you are trying to order for example? Does it span tables?

Alan G
Author of the Learn to Program web site


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