On 22/06/12 17:42, Emile van Sebille wrote:
On 6/22/2012 8:58 AM duncan smith said...
I have an application that would benefit from collaborative working.
Over time users construct a "data environment" which is a number of
files in JSON format contained in a few directories

You don't say what your target platform is, but on linux I've done some
testing with python-fuse that allows interception on file access to take
whatever actions you like, in your case archive prior upon write.

Might be worth a look.


I develop on Linux, but most users would be running some flavour of Windows. Initially I'd like to get something up and running that would allow me to collaborate from an Ubuntu box at home with someone using a Windows machine (not sure which version) in an office at the University of Manchester. The most likely end users would (probably) be running Windows machines on a local network with no internet access.

I expect it would generally be possible to have an always-on server, but I'm also thinking about peer to peer style communication (information might not always be completely available, but it's better than being totally unaware of changes being made by others).

I don't have much experience getting applications to communicate across a network, particularly in a reasonably secure fashion. Someone I know also suggested RabbitMQ. Any pointers that help me to reduce the options to a manageable number of candidates will be appreciated. A shallow learning curve would also be good (given that ATM this is an idea I want to try out rather than paid work). I am looking at fuse at the moment. Thanks.


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