it's a finder using threading to accelerate but it never works.. and I have no idea why it doesn't work:( it doesn't work too after changing threading to multiprocessing.. how can I make it work? or at least I know what's the problem... plz help the poor newbie...
import os,threading,multiprocessing def finder(path,q): for x in os.walk(unicode(path)): if x[1]: for dirname in x[1]: if target in dirname.lower(): q.put(os.path.join(x[0],dirname)) if x[2]: for name in x[2]: if target in name.lower(): q.put(os.path.join(x[0],name)) q.put(1) def printer(q): cmd=0 while 1: tmp=q.get() if tmp==1: cmd += 1 continue if cmd ==thnum: break print tmp if __name__ =="__main__": q=multiprocessing.JoinableQueue() ini=os.walk(u"C:\\").next() thnum=len(ini[1]) target=raw_input("what you wanna get\n") p=multiprocessing.Process(target=printer,args=(q,)) p.daemon=1 p.start() for i in xrange(thnum): t=threading.Thread(target=finder,args=(ini[1][i],q,)) t.start() print i," started" q.join() --