On 30.06.12 18:25, Paul Rubin wrote:
Christian Tismer <tis...@stackless.com> writes:
Tiffany stands for any tiff. The tiny module solves a large set of
problems, has no dependencies and just works wherever Python works.
Tiffany was developed in the course of the *DiDoCa* project and will
always appear on PyPi.
This sounds pretty neat.  I didn't comment on it earlier because I
haven't tried it out, since I haven't had occasion to deal with tiff
files anytime recently.  But I've had to process them for some projects
in the past, and tiffany would have been useful then.  It's good to know
that it's out there.

Meanwhile I got some feedback and test data.
(Thanks to Christian and Anthon)
It turns out to be a problem with multiple strips in a tiff file.
PIL does not support that. Maybe I can find an easy solution,
maybe I'm better off using


as suggested by Christian Heimes,

we will see. Right now I'm pretty exhaused after EuroPython...

cheers - chris

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