hello everyone, hope some of you enjoyed #EuroPython this past
week/end, and perhaps i'll see some of you at OSCON next week!

as promised, here's the one and only FINAL REMINDER of the hardcore
intro+intermediate Python course i'm offering 2012 Aug 1-3 near the
San Francisco airport. reach out to me directly with any questions and
let other folks know who may be interested.

best regards,

On Thu, May 10, 2012 at 2:07 PM, wesley chun <wes...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Greetings!
> I'll be doing another hardcore Python course this summer in the San
> Francisco area. If you're somewhat new to Python or have tinkered but
> want to fill-in the holes, this course is for you. It's somewhat true
> you can learn Python online, watching videos, or reading books, but it
> still takes time and experience to master... I help accelerate this
> process. The course is based on my bestselling "Core Python" books and
> is made up of 3 full days complete with lectures and three hands-on
> coding labs per day.
> Please pass on this message to your colleagues who also need to learn
> Python. It's also a great excuse to coming to beautiful Northern
> California for a summer vacation! More details at http://goo.gl/uW4oF
> as well as the links in my .signature below.

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"A computer never does what you want... only what you tell it."
   +wesley chun : wescpy at gmail : @wescpy
    Python training & consulting : http://CyberwebConsulting.com
    "Core Python" books : http://CorePython.com
    Python blog: http://wescpy.blogspot.com

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