On 12/07/12 00:06, Chris Gonnerman wrote:
I've held off announcing this until I was sure it was really stable;
it's been 19 days since I made the last change to it, so here goes.
PollyReports is my Python module for report generation. It is designed
to be, quite literally, the "simplest thing that can possibly work" in
the field of PDF generation from a database record set.  There is a
somewhat vague resemblance to GeraldoReports; I had problems with
Geraldo's pagination which led me to develop PollyReports in a brief
flurry of intense activity.

It's on PyPI: http://pypi.python.org/pypi/PollyReports
and on Github: https://github.com/Solomoriah/PollyReports
and I have a blog where I talk about it (like anyone cares):

"I've noticed that acceptance of a new software module or package for developers in the Open Source/Free Software world is greatly affected by the availability of a good tutorial. I mean, it seems obvious, doesn't it? But I've also noticed that the original author of a project rarely writes a good tutorial." http://packages.python.org/PollyReports/tutorial.html

Well I thought it was a good tutorial. It certainly empowers me with enough confidence to give it a try.

That said... with more than a passing interest in software and content licensing I looked at how the work was licensed. A none-standard license like this makes most people stop and think "will this be a problem if I use this in my work?" How compatible is your license with the main software licenses currently available?

Cheers Simon

   Simon Cropper - Open Content Creator

   Free and Open Source Software Workflow Guides
   Introduction               http://www.fossworkflowguides.com
   GIS Packages           http://www.fossworkflowguides.com/gis
   bash / Python    http://www.fossworkflowguides.com/scripting


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