On Sat, 18 Jun 2005 12:02:07 +0200, Kalle Anke wrote:

> On Sat, 18 Jun 2005 11:49:38 +0200, Xah Lee wrote
> (in article <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>):
>> the problem is that the page essentially says nothing. Nothing that is
>> relevant to programing, and such nothingness occupies a significant
>> portion of the python doc. (at least a quarter) It is like reading a
>> manual to operate a machinery, and in every other paragraph it offers
>> the (technically-fantastically-correct) explanations of what bolt or
>> material were used where.
> I'm new to Python and the information that's in the docs (at least that 
> example) was what I was looking for. I read this as the referece manual, not 
> a cookbook or a tutorial which clearly requires another style of 
> documentation.

At the risk of making an ad hominem attack, Xah Lee's posts usually have
all the characteristics of Internet trolling. He unnecessarily cross-posts
to multiple newsgroups. He makes sweeping generalizations and inflammatory
criticisms based on little understanding. He frequently uses abusive
language. He tries to critique Python as an expert, and yet frequently
makes silly newbie mistakes or displays ignorance of some very basic
Python features.




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