On 23.07.2012 16:55, Henrik Faber wrote:
On 23.07.2012 15:52, Henrik Faber wrote:

but I would hate for
Python to include them into identifiers. Then again, I'm pretty sure
this is not planned anytime soon.

Dear Lord.

Python 3.2 (r32:88445, Dec  8 2011, 15:26:58)
[GCC 4.5.2] on linux2
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fööbär = 3

I didn't know this. How awful.


I can't understand at all why this (even as German) is supported.

Programs and developments, and in particular Python, should not only be accessible but also understandable by everyone - meaning that I don't exclude folks by starting to write my code in Esperanto letters.

Otherwise the next thing one might working on is a script normalizer which Engli-fies foreign variable names... similar to Py2to3.

Outside for display usage it has a right place to make usage of Unicode, like for French with all the accents Danish, Swedish and other languages, but some "old"-standards should stay in place, meaning to use English, so it stays accessible and understandable.


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