I still don't get it.  shm_unlink() works the same way unlink() does.
The resource itself doesn't cease to exist until all open file handles
are closed. From the shm_unlink() man page on Linux:

        The operation of shm_unlink() is analogous to unlink(2): it
        removes a shared memory object name, and, once all processes
        have unmapped the object, de-allocates and destroys the
        contents of the associated memory region. After a successful
        shm_unlink(), attempts to shm_open() an object with the same
        name will fail (unless O_CREAT was specified, in which case a
        new, distinct object is created).
Even if the parent calls shm_unlink(), the shared-memory resource will
continue to exist (and be usable) until all processes that are holding
open file handles unmap/close them.  So not only will detached
children not crash, they'll still be able to use the shared memory
objects to talk to each other.
I stand corrected. It should still be examined, what kind shared memory is used under non-linux systems. System V on AIX? And what about Windows? So maybe the general answer is still no. But I guess that the OP wanted this to work on a specific system.

Dear Andrea Crotti! Please try to detach two child processes, exit from the main process, and communicate over a multiprocessing queue. It will possibly work. Sorry for my bad advice.

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