Franck Ditter <> wrote:
>Two similar iterable objects but with a different behavior :
>$$$ i = range(2,5)
>$$$ for x in i : print(x,end=' ')
>2 3 4 
>$$$ for x in i : print(x,end=' ')        # i is not exhausted   
>2 3 4 
>--------- Compare with :
>$$$ i = filter(lambda c : c.isdigit(), 'a1b2c3')
>$$$ for x in i : print(x,end=' ')
>1 2 3 
>$$$ for x in i : print(x,end=' ')        # i is exhausted
>IMHO, this should not happen in Py3k.

It's interesting that it DOESN'T happen in Python 2.  The first "i" is of
type list, the second "i" is of type string, and both are restartable.

What's the type of "i" in the second case in Python 3?
Tim Roberts,
Providenza & Boekelheide, Inc.

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