On 8/5/2012 7:46 PM, PeterSo wrote:
I am just starting to learn Python, and I like to use the editor
instead of the interactive shell. So I wrote the following little
program in IDLE

# calculating the mean

data1=[49, 66, 24, 98, 37, 64, 98, 27, 56, 93, 68, 78, 22, 25, 11]

def mean(data):
        return sum(data)/len(data)


There is no syntax highlighting

If properly installed and working, IDLE does syntax highliting if and only if you name the file with a .py, .pyw, .pyo extension. I have a 'play around' directory with a tem.py file that is always in the recent files lists. I use it for short shippets that are two long to directly type into the shell.

Terry Jan Reedy


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