As far as I know,
stdout is usually buffered (not necessary) in both C++ and Python
stderr is non-buffered in both C++ and Python (I can't imagine the point of
stderr if it were buffered)
Even with this, stdout usually come immediately - the situation you have
shouldn't happen.
Are you using an IDE? If so, which one?

On 13 August 2012 20:46, Helmut Jarausch <> wrote:

> Hi,
> for tracing purposes I have added some print outs like
> print('+++ before calling foo',file=sys.stderr)
> x=foo(..)
> print('--- after  calling foo',
> and within 'foo'
> print('>>> entering foo ...',file=sys.stderr)
> Now, when executing this, I always get
> +++ before calling foo
> --- after  calling foo
> >>> entering foo ...
> When outputting to stderr from C/C++ it's guaranteed that the different
> outputs appear in the same order as they have been generated.
> Is this guarantee no more valid in Python 3.2 ?
> Many thanks for a comment,
> Helmut.
> (That's a single-threaded application)
> --

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