Am 17.08.2012 21:20, schrieb
> Just installed python 2.7 and using with web2py.  
> When running python from command line to bring up web2py server, get errors 
> that python socket and urllib modules cannot be found, can't be loaded. This 
> is not a web2py issue.
> No other python versions are on the my machine.  Pythonpath has the requisite 
> folders identified.

Please show us the output of:

import sys
print sys.version

import platform
print platform.platform()

import imp
print imp.find_module("_socket")

imp.find_module() may either return "_socket" as first argument if the
_socket module is builtin or return the full path to a file. When it's a
full path please install and examine
the _socket.pyd file with the tool. It will show you the missing DLLs.



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