Grant Edwards <invalid@invalid.invalid> writes:

> On 2012-08-16, Chris Angelico <> wrote:
> > And FWIW, I add my voice to those who prefer to read replies
> > underneath the original text.
> Same here.  I often skip reading top-posted articles entirely, since I
> don't really care to take the time to start reading at the bottom,
> working my up, trying to figure out exactly what the poster is
> replying or referring to in the blob of context-free text at the top.

+1. A message which is top-posted is a fairly reliable indicator that
the message wasn't written with much consideration for the reader, so I
tend to just skip those messages.

If you don't care whether your messages are read, continue to top-post.

If you want to show that you've made efforts to make your message more
readable, use interleaved replies and trim off material to which you're
not replying <URL:>.

 \      “We tend to scoff at the beliefs of the ancients. But we can't |
  `\        scoff at them personally, to their faces, and this is what |
_o__)                                         annoys me.” —Jack Handey |
Ben Finney

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