On 08/23/2012 04:19 AM, lipska the kat wrote:
> Well we don't want to turn this into a language comparison thread do we,
> that might upset too many people but I can't remember ever writing a
> method that took an Object as argument, you just can't do that much with
> an Object.

In the pre-Java-1.5 days, functions that took Objects were *very*
common; e.g. every collections class. Even now there are probably
lingering cases where either there's some code that hasn't been
genericized or is too much work to genericize to make it worthwhile. (I
do very little Java programming so can't point to any concrete cases if
you would (reasonably) reject the example of java.util.collections being
used in their non-generic form.)

Anyway, the point wasn't that 'foo(Object o)' is common, just that
you've probably seen something which is somewhat comparable.


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