On 25/08/2012 02:03, Steven D'Aprano wrote:
On Fri, 24 Aug 2012 17:25:05 -0700, Lucretiel wrote:

Is there a way to get unittest disover to work with xmlrunner

Steady on there! It's only been about an hour and a half since you last
asked this exact same question, almost word-for-word identical. The more
specialised the question, the longer it may take for somebody who knows
the answer to reply. For something like this, I would wait at least a
couple of days before replying to your original post. (Don't just re-post
the question in a new thread, keep the response in a single thread.)

I have no idea about xmlrunner and unittest discovery, sorry.

I entirely agree with Steven's comments. I'd put a question like this on a specialised list. How about gmane.comp.python.testing.general ? Sorry I've no idea what it's called elsewhere.


Mark Lawrence.


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