Hello all:
I had a quick question.
In my game, I have an is-a setup, where all objects contain data like an id for sqlalchemy, a name, a description and a list of contents. In order to add functionality to an object, you add components. So for example, a player would have the Player and Living component associated with the basic object. It's sort of a way to give myself a way to add functionality without having a lot of multiple inheritance. This creates a problem for me though, since it looks like each component would have it's own table. How would you go about modeling the 1:n relationship between entity and each component? Also, I'm going to have a location property on the object, which is basically it's location (a reference to another Entity), or None if it has no parent. How would you set that up in SA so that location gets translated to an ID and then translated back to the required object? Might there be another easier way to model all this data? It looks like this database could get rather large, extremely quickly.

Take care,
The aspen project: a barebones light-weight mud engine:
He that will not reason is a bigot; he that cannot reason is a fool; he that 
dares not reason is a slave.


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