On Sat, 08 Sep 2012 13:11:27 -0700, Paul Rubin wrote:

> Mark R Rivet <markrri...@aol.com> writes:
>>>ones for a few dollars. You're reading about lists, tuples, and
>>>dictionary data? Great, but other home accounting businesses have their
>>>client databases automatically synced with their smart-phones and their
>>>time-charging and their invoicing.
>> Well I have to say that this is most discouraging. I should give up
>> learning to program. I don't have a chance at all. Thanks.
> I think the idea is just to start with something simpler.  If you are
> interested in mechanical engineering, then building an automobile from
> scratch, machining all the parts yourself etc., would be an ill-advised
> choice as a first project.  It's the same way with programming.

And he has it backwards anyway, IMHO. If he wants a client database and 
insists on building it himself, he should start with the relational 
database and work up; not from the GUI and try to work down with silly 
solutions like pickling.

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