Dustin J. Mitchell wrote:
> After seeing David Mertz's talk at PyCon 2012, "Coroutines, event
> loops, and the history of Python generators" [1], I got thinking again
> about Python's expressive power for asynchronous programming.

I lament the confusion of generators and coroutines. Generators are no
substitute for threads; they're a substitute for temporary memory-
wasting lists and for those extraneous classes that just implement
another class's __iter__.

[big snip]
> As I get to work on the PEP, I'd like to hear any initial reactions to the 
> idea.

Be warned that I'm frequently chastised for negativity...
Your motivating examples motivate me in the opposite direction.
Computing Fibonacci numbers with a generator? The problem with your
first support app is that threads don't scale?

I'm happy with the direction Python has chosen: real, platform-
provided threads. There are some fine projects taking other courses,
but most of the standard stuff is sequential code with some notion of
thread-safety. In this area Python has benefited for free as the
popular platforms have steadily improved.

Properly exploiting event-drive would be a bigger change than you
propose. Python tends to polymorphize I/O via "file like" objects,
who's requirements have traditionally been under-specified and have
never included event-driven behavior. Also, while Python is proudly
cross-platform, Microsoft Windows has the edge on asynchronous
facilities but Python treats Windows like a Unix wanna-be.


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