On Wednesday, September 12, 2012 6:02:14 AM UTC+2, Jayden wrote:
> I installed 
> (1) pythonxy2.7.2.3 (with python2.7) and 
> (2) pythonOCC-0.5-all-in-one.win32.py26 
> on windows 7 64 bit computer. 
> I try run pythonOCC examples in its example folder, such as the helloworld.py 
> and got errors as follows: 
>     ImportantError: DLL load failed: The specified module could not be found. 
> The error come from the line of code: 
>     from OCC.BrepPrimAPI import * 
> How to fix the error? Thanks a lot!!

Hi Jayden,

It has been some time ago that I used PythonOCC and I used it on Linux, so I 
cannot be of much help here. It sounds like you have to tell Windows where to 
look for the installed libraries (environment variables?). Anyhow, I recommend 
to post the question to the PythonOCC mailinglist. They are quite responsive.

One last suggestion. OCC itself comes with a small utility called DRAWEXE. It 
is a tcl/tk program that can be used to play around with a lot of the 
functionality provided by OCC.

Good luck!


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