On Wed, 12 Sep 2012 06:15:21 -0700, Ramchandra Apte wrote:

> On Wednesday, 12 September 2012 18:26:36 UTC+5:30, Jabba Laci  wrote:
>> Hi,
>> I have an installer script that contains lots of little functions. It
>> has an interactive menu and the corresponding function is called. Over
>> time it grew long and when I want to add a new function, I should give
>> a unique name to that function. However, Python allows the
>> redefinition of functions:
>> #!/usr/bin/env python
>> def step_1():
>>     print 1
>> def step_1():
>>     print 2
>> step_1()
>> This will call the 2nd function. Now my functions are called step_ID
>> (like step_27(), step_28(), etc.). How to avoid the danger of
>> redefinition? Now, when I write a new function, I search for its name
>> to see if it's unique but there must be a better way.
>> Thanks,
>> Laszlo
>> P.S.: the script is here ( https://github.com/jabbalaci/jabbatron ) if
>> you are interested. It's made for Ubuntu.
> Use a code checker such as PyLint (http://www.logilab.org/857 or pylint
> package).
> Better idea:
> I *strongly* recommend to never use names such as step_12. Use
> descriptive names and the problem will not occur.
> Your project looks interesting. I can contribute. :-)
> ---
> Bragging rights:SO account suspended py2c, a Python to *pure* C/C++
> translator, is my project (I am the author)
> http://code.google.com/p/py2c/

+1 Regards the Naming of your functions it makes it harder for new users 
to read & understand the code (and yourself in 6 months!)

Overload -- core meltdown sequence initiated.

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