from my gc.get_object()
I extract the sub system of the object that I would like to delete:

this is the object:
Class name win32com.gen_py.F4503A16-F637-11D2-BD55-00500400405Bx0x1x0.ITDProperty.ITDProperty
that is traked and the reference are:
get_referents >>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>>
RefCount 5
<type 'tuple'> >>>> (<class win32com.client.DispatchBaseClass at 0x026ACB58>,)
RefCount 5
<type 'dict'> >>>> '__int__': <function __int__ at 0x03A50770>, '__module__': 'win32com.gen_py.F45
RefCount 8
<type 'str'> >>>>  ITDProperty
RefCount 9
<type 'function'> >>>>  <function __getattr__ at 0x026C2630>
RefCount 9
<type 'function'> >>>>  <function __setattr__ at 0x026C2670>
get_referrers >>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>>
RefCount 15
<type 'dict'> >>>> 'python_version': 34014192, 'defaultUnnamedArg': <PyOleEmpty object at 0x00447E
RefCount 6
<type 'list'> >>>> <class win32com.gen_py.F4503A16-F637-11D2-BD55-00500400405Bx0x1x0.ITDProperty.I
RefCount 4
<type 'list'> >>>> (u'ItemsListCreator', u'trick', u'pVal'), (3, 49, '0', None), (16393, 10, None,
RefCount 4
<type 'frame'> >>>>  <frame object at 0x029721D8>
RefCount 7
<type 'frame'> >>>>  <frame object at 0x02760148>
RefCount 5
<type 'dict'> >>>> '{39AAEA35-F71F-11D2-BD59-00500400405B}': <class win32com.gen_py.F4503A16-F637-

how can I understand how to clean up this situation or were are the references that I need to delete ?

From the cad non python script I call an in process python com object, and before coming back to the cad application I need to clean up all com reference, because if I do not do that I corrupt the cad application .

so I urgently need to clean up all reference before coming back to the cad application.

any idea?


Il 17/09/2012 18:09, Chris Angelico ha scritto:
On Tue, Sep 18, 2012 at 12:16 AM, Steven D'Aprano
<> wrote:
The __del__ method does not delete an object. Remember, objects are only
deleted when there are no references to it. Otherwise you could have some
code that tries to use a deleted object, and you would get a system crash
or BSOD.
There is a conceptually viable alternative: destroy an object
immediately and force all references to it to become some sentinel
value (eg None). Python currently doesn't have this, but it would be
rather convenient at times. Could be part of a construct like 'with'
to say "make this, use it, and then dispose of it".



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