On 6/21/05, Alexander Eisenhuth <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hello alltogether,
> I hope somebody can help me in that case. I bet I have overseen s.th..
> I have a VC++ IDispatch Com-Server (ATL) and include for error handling
> issues a enumeration in the IDL-File.
> [...]
> enum PROG_ERROR {
>         P_OK = 0,
>         P_ERR_01 = 1,
>         P_ERR_02 = 2,
>         ...
> }
> typedef enum PROG_ERROR PROG_ERROR_T;
> [...]
> I can acess the COM object using :
>         obj = win32com.client.Dispatch("...")
> and can Load the TypeLib:
>         lib = pythonwin.LoadTypeLib("...")
> and see the enumeration in the OLE-Browser of Windows, but don't know
> how to access the enum in Python.
> Any help and hints are very welcome.
> Regards
> Alexander
> PS.: I use the actual version of ActivePython 2.4.

Use site-packages/win32com/client/makepy.py to produce myserver.py
from your typelib file, then
>>> import myserver
>>> print myserver.constants. P_OK

Maybe you can access constants without makepy, I don't know.

- kv

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