
I'm building small console like program for embedded system control over serial 
port. Naturally I need to be able to recieve commands from user and print 
reply's from embedded device.

Since I'm using threads and pipes everything works ok, except that when i call 
input() there is no way that I could print something, is there any workaround 
for this??

Note: I don't need to catch any key's before enter or smtng, just be able to 
print while input() is waiting. I'm thinking that maybe there is a way for two 
threads to share one stdout, which should resolve this, but I can't make it 
work, since U can't pickle file like object(stdout) to pass it to other thread.

Note 2: I've readed about ways to make nonblocking input by reading single char 
etc. but that's is all messy and very platform dependent, I would love to have 
platform independent solution.

Thanks in advance!


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