Makoto Kuwata於 2012年9月20日星期四UTC+8下午7時27分40秒寫道:
> Hi,
> Is it possible to run code object with local variables specified?
> I'm trying the following code but not work:
>     def fn():
>        x = 1
>        y = 2
>     localvars = {'x': 0}
>     exec(fn.func_code, globals(), localvars)
>     print(localvars)
>     ## what I expected is: {'x': 1, 'y': 2}
>     ## but actual is:      {'x': 0}
> Python: 2.7.3
> OS: MacOS X
> --
> regards,
> makoto kuwata

Do you plan to write an IDE for python scrits ?

I have seen a lot abusiosns of spawns or pipes of mutlti-processes, 
and now the exec part again.

I think the sources of Doctor Python and IDLE were available 
years ago for showing off python's capabilities in developing an IDE.

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