On 21/09/12 16:29:55, Franck Ditter wrote:
> I create a text file utf-8 encoded in Python 3 with IDLE (Mac Lion).
> It runs fine and creates the disk file, visible with
> TextWrangler or another.
> But I can't open it with IDLE (its name is greyed).
> IDLE is supposed to read utf-8 files, no ?
> This works on Windows-7.

There's a little pop-menu below the list of files.

It allows you to choose which kind of files you want to open.
By default, it is set to "Python files", which greys out all
files, except those with a '.py' or '.pyw' extension.
Setting it to "Text files" should help, or else try "All files".

Hope this helps

-- HansM


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