On Sep 22, 8:16 am, Ethan Furman <et...@stoneleaf.us> wrote:
> What is the consensus... okay, okay -- what are some wide ranging
> opinions on technologies that I should know if my dream job is one that
> consists mostly of Python, and might allow telecommuting?

A "technology" that I consider *highly* synergistic with Python but
that seems to have permanent outsider status is Zope. (It has a
reputation for being baroque and/or over-engineered, but to me it just
seems to reflect almost 20 years of web development experience. I've
also become a big fan of its component architecture approach.)

CoffeeScript is a neat little language that compiles to JavaScript. It
borrows liberally from Python & Ruby, so you can write this:

    foods = ['broccoli', 'spinach', 'chocolate']
    eat food for food in foods when food isnt 'chocolate'

Instead of this:

    foods = ['broccoli', 'spinach', 'chocolate'];
    for (_k = 0, _len2 = foods.length; _k < _len2; _k++) {
      food = foods[_k];
      if (food !== 'chocolate') {

Chris Angelico nailed it, though:

"Expand out in any direction at all, really. Anything'll make you

My only extension would be to pick the directions you find you enjoy
rather than the ones you think will make you more employable. I've
found it's more often than not the obscure experience I have that
makes me desirable to employers rather than the common ground they can
find anywhere.

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