On 9/23/12 11:19 AM, Andriy Kornatskyy wrote:
I have run recently a benchmark of a trivial 'hello world' application for 
various python web frameworks (bottle, django, flask, pyramid, web.py, 
wheezy.web) hosted in uWSGI/cpython2.7 and gunicorn/pypy1.9... you might find 
it interesting:


Comments or suggestions are welcome.


Andriy Kornatskyy
I would try this with a web app that does more than 'Hello World'

You may argue that you're just trying the server stack, but that's not realistic because you don't really measure how the server behaves with a real app.

Have a look at https://github.com/mozilla-services/chaussette/blob/master/chaussette/util.py#L188

(setup_bench and teardow_bench have to be run on startup and tear down of the server)

I would be curious to see how things goes then


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