Am 25.09.2012 09:28 schrieb Steven D'Aprano:

The whole concept is incomplete at one place:, 2) seeks
beyond EOF, potentially creating a sparse file. This is a thing you
cannot achieve.

On the contrary, since the pos attribute is just a wrapper around seek,
you can seek beyond EOF easily:

f.pos = None
f.pos += 10

Yes, from a syscall perspective, it is different: it is a tell() combined with a seek set instead of a relative seek. As someone mentionned, e. g. in the case of a streamer tape this might make a big difference.

But for anything but the most trivial usage, I would recommend sticking
to the seek method.

ACK. This should be kept as a fallback.

... or we need multiple attributes, one for each mode ...

Yes. That's what I would favourize: 3 attributes which each take a value to be passed to seek.

So all up, I'm -1 on trying to replace the tell/seek API, and -0 on
adding a second, redundant API.



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